After Carol lost her baby someone suggested she get a dog. Her initial thought was, “How could a pet replace a much longed-for child?” However, several months later Bruno, an adorable rescue dog, become her closest companion. In the evenings when the house is quiet, and her heart starts to ache, Carol finds Bruno’s company comforting.
As you travel along your unpredictable grief journey, it is imperative you discover ways to feel comforted. Engaging in something comforting will not remove the pain of grief, but it will ease it. Some suggestions are journaling, going for walks, listening to music, aroma therapy, massages, engaging in enjoyable hobbies, being with a pet, praying, meditating, practicing mindfulness, reading, having a comfort blanket, gardening, pottering around in a tool shed, soaking in the bath, sitting beside a bonfire, lying in a hammock, artwork etc. The ideas are endless.
This is an excerpt from my book HEALING THE GRIEVING HEART by Del Marie McAlister
Imagine having someone walking beside you every day of the year, sharing nuggets of wisdom, messages of comfort, real life stories, and glimmers of hope. Many people, including myself have traveled a similar journey to yours and we understand what it’s like to grieve deeply. HEALING THE GRIEVING HEART contains snippets of our collective wisdom, and practical ideas that has the potential to become healing balm to your grieving heart. A must-have if you are bereaved.
"I loved the book! I heard your voice throughout and it was such a comfort. Very heart warming and affirming."
“I can thoroughly recommend this book. It would have to be the most practical book I have read on dealing with the loss of someone you love.”
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Copyright 2018 Del Marie McAlister
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